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Let’s Make the Horse Drink!

"In terms of the quantity theory of money, we may say that the velocity of circulation of money does not remain constant. 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.' You can force money on the system in exchange for government bonds, its close money...


A little over 3 and half years ago I was holed up inside an office on the third floor of the Marriner S Eccles building on 20th and Constitution Ave in DC. As many readers know, I chose to leave the private sector in 2009 after spending 16 years on the street. At the...

Unpleasant German Arithmetic

In an interview with Der Speigel last weekend, Mario Monti said - "It is because of the risk of a euro collapse that the difference between Italy's interest rates and those of Germany are so great. In this way, the high interest rates that Italy is now having to pay...

I’ve Got 2 Tickets to Paradise

All aboard the Bernaghi Express - next stop risk asset paradise! The second iteration of "The Committee to Save the World" nailed it last week. The Fed is "closely monitoring" the situation and stands ready to provide "accommodation". These are code words for imminent...

Spanish Requests and US Jobs

First the easy one, US jobs. While payrolls was better than expected at 165k, the pop up in both the headline rate and the U6 rate are going to keep an "accommodative" Fed very much in play for September. This is probably the PERFECT number for risk assets. The data...

Words Are the New Bullets

While there was talk of BTP/Bono spread caps, LTROs, QE, SMP, rate cuts, forward language changes and central banking miracles of all kind before today, the markets got very little in terms of tangible central bank action from either the Fed or the ECB. That said, the...

Waiting for August 1st

The bears are back on red alert because the Spanish and Italian debt markets are apparently going to destroy global risk asset markets, capitalism and modern civilization - AGAIN. But while the Spanish 2yr was busy skyrocketing 132bps last week, the Irish 2yr rallied...

The Committee to Save the World- Part Deux

There is a famous Time magazine cover from 1998, with a picture featuring 3 of the leading "regulators" at the time - Bob Rubin, Larry Summers and Alan Greenspan. The caption on the cover reads - "The committee to save the world". Of course, in retrospect, these were...

Gimme an “I”, Gimme an “O”, Gimme an “E”…

....Gimme an "R". Yes it’s true, during the Q&A Ben put the IOER back on the table. Many pundits had written the IOER off as a policy tool after the minutes from September 2011 suggested officials were too scared of zero rates. According to Fed and financial industry...

USD Wallpaper, Negative Nominal Yields & Cash ETFs

Last week was very interesting and very tiring. I started off Monday in Dallas at a dinner with a very lively Texan crowd, and a guest appearance by an ex-ECB governing council member. Mixing Texan-style EMU bearishness with southern Mediterranean central bankers was...