The movie "Words and Pictures", starring Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche, is a must see! The acting and directing are first rate. And while I do not want to spoil the movie for anyone who has yet to see it, I do want to bring the plot line into a discussion today on...
Its amazing what passes for amazing these days! The US fixed income markets have been mesmerized by a 50bps move in 10yr notes. Yes, it appears somehow that a 50bps drop, from 3.00% to 2.50%, over the first 5 months of 2014 is somehow worthy of great excitement!!! To...
I wonder what the haters will latch onto next. The list of things to fret about in 2014 has been seemingly endless - Russian aggression, US underemployment, cold weather, soft Q1 data, Chinese credit, demographics, inequality, entitlements, tapering, credit bubbles...
Way back in the Greenspan era, there was a term which was often used to describe imprecise FedSpeak - it was called "purposeful obfuscation". Alan Greenspan perfected this art of confusion over his 18+ year tenure as Chairman. When asked by layman lawmakers about...
Back in February, just around Valentine's Day, I issued a short poetic summary of my views on our newly anointed Fed Chair. It went like this: Roses are red Violets are blue Janet's a dove Buy more spoo That was right around the time of our first "spoo dip" in 2014....
It's that time of year again - the time when sell side firms campaign for Institutional Investor votes. I have to admit, I don't understand exactly how the process works. Last year many of you were kind enough to make me your first place vote in the overall "Fixed...
After last Friday's soft payroll report and those fleeting record highs in spoos, the market has reverted to its newfound aimless pattern. Today we sit basically unchanged for the year in spoos, with both the bulls and the bears finding very little love in 2014. But...
Ok, I just read Janet's speech in Chicago today. Holy dovish deepdish pizza batman!! I have no recollection of a Fed Chair's speech where the lives of three down-on-their-luck job seeking individuals were discussed in detail. This is one loving and caring Fed Chair -...
Charlie Evans gave a fantastic speech in Hong Kong today- I encourage everyone to read it! Charlie has been at the forefront of thinking on...
In Q1 of 2013 Jeremy Stein made a speech on credit market overheating that slipped by most people in the market: This speech turned out to be the canary in the coal mine portending the taper tantrum...
In Q1 of 2013 Jeremy Stein made a speech on credit market overheating that slipped by most people in the market: This speech turned out to be the canary in the coal mine portending the taper tantrum later on in the spring. For those who don't remember, Jeremy spent a great deal of time […]