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Dovishness Without Deviousness

The picture surrounding Federal Reserve Board nominations took a somewhat unexpected turn over the last couple weeks as John Williams was floated as a potential candidate for vice chair. Now, to be sure, John has had a very distinguished career inside the Federal...

Is it Real or is it Inflation?

It has been a robust start to the year for those with bullish tendencies: spoos +5%, CT10 +20 bps, and blues +30 bps. The market has clearly been rerating the potential strength of the US economy higher post-tax reform. And I would also argue that the deregulation...

A Promise, a Recommendation, and a Warning

This past weekend we had our annual Jefferies senior leadership offsite. And as always, it was great to catch up with so many of our business leaders from around the globe. For me the most exciting part of this event is taking the temperature of the attendees. And to...

2018 Financial Market Outlook

This time of year you are no doubt receiving volumes of research from banks and brokers on the financial market outlook for 2018. And most likely these publications (if printed) would resemble oversized coffee table books. Now I’m sure there exists something of value...

Dammit, Janet….again

We had three major central bank meetings during a 24-hour period this past week, and in the aftermath the global financial markets collectively yawned. I suppose after a year characterized by never-ending “Yksnim” moments, it was a fitting conclusion to 2017. However,...