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The Great Misallocation

Throughout US economic history there have been many "Great" events - The Great Depression of the 30s; The Great Inflation of the 70s; The Great Moderation of the mid 80s to mid 00s; and of course The Great Recession of the late 00s. Now we can add another "Great" to...

Spoos and Chartreuse

The jobs data was soft. - Payrolls missed by 23k and there were 26k of revisions lower to past months - so a 50k miss - Hours worked was softer - Average hourly earnings was MUCH softer - The U-rate did fall to 7.4, but on a lower participation rate (by 0.1) The...

Jekyll and Hyde Monetary Policy

Yesterday's Fed statement was dovish. First, growth expectations were implicitly lowered by the stealth use of the word "modest" instead of "moderate". Second, the increased risks of disinflation were highlighted via the insertion of a new statement suggesting - "the...

The Colonel Orders One Last Code Red

The last 2 months have been tough for fixed income investors - especially levered ones. QE front runners, who followed our beloved colonel down the road to recovery by holding excess Agency MBS and long term USTs, were just given the "PFC Santiago" treatment. It was a...

Paul and John are Both Being Disingenuous

First of all, hats off to Paul Krugman. Anyone who can successfully weave "The Chewbacca Defense" from South Park episode 27 into a macroeconomic commentary is certainly worthy of the title Nobel Laureate. Bravo Paul, your recent missive -...