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Frisky Friday

While the establishment data confirms some Q1 softness in labor market conditions, the household survey tells a very different story. From U-3 to U-6, the numbers were very "frisky", with an amazing 500k+ increase in the workforce, and 600k+ increase in employment....

Freaky Friday

The first 23 days of 2014 were about as boring as any three-week period in recent memory. By the close of business on Thursday the 23rd of January, the year-to-date moves for most of the active developed asset markets were minuscule: Spoos -1% Q's +1% EURUSD unch...

Do We Have Slack or Slackers?

The December payroll report does NOT suggest that labor market momentum is increasing. The modest 78k increase in payrolls, plus the 34k in positive revisions barely gets us half of what was expected. But the most concerning part of the report comes from the household...

Are You Ready for the Big Crash???

Catchy title huh? But I'm sorry to disappoint all the haters out there, I will not be referring to a crash in risk assets. I will leave that exercise in futility for the doomsayers and goldbugs who have been calling for Armegeddon since 900 on the spoo! Instead I'm...

Spoos and Chartruese Love Tapering!!

We just saw one of the "easiest" Fed removals of accommodation in history. And as mentioned previously, this meeting was one of the closest calls in recent memory. Here is what I wrote on Dec 10th in a commentary entitled "Smaller or Later Redux" - "As for the market...