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BTPs “collapse” to 3.2% & USTs rally a “massive” 50bps

Its amazing what passes for amazing these days! The US fixed income markets have been mesmerized by a 50bps move in 10yr notes. Yes, it appears somehow that a 50bps drop, from 3.00% to 2.50%, over the first 5 months of 2014 is somehow worthy of great excitement!!! To...

S’cuse me while I kiss the sky

I wonder what the haters will latch onto next. The list of things to fret about in 2014 has been seemingly endless - Russian aggression, US underemployment, cold weather, soft Q1 data, Chinese credit, demographics, inequality, entitlements, tapering, credit bubbles...

Janet obfuscates, Mario deceives

Way back in the Greenspan era, there was a term which was often used to describe imprecise FedSpeak - it was called "purposeful obfuscation". Alan Greenspan perfected this art of confusion over his 18+ year tenure as Chairman. When asked by layman lawmakers about...

Janet’s redemption

Back in February, just around Valentine's Day, I issued a short poetic summary of my views on our newly anointed Fed Chair. It went like this: Roses are red Violets are blue Janet's a dove Buy more spoo That was right around the time of our first "spoo dip" in 2014....

Gimme Some Lovin’

It's that time of year again - the time when sell side firms campaign for Institutional Investor votes. I have to admit, I don't understand exactly how the process works. Last year many of you were kind enough to make me your first place vote in the overall "Fixed...