Mario didn't even have to take a vote - the "Hasser" opposition was crushed before they had a chance to speak. It was a beautiful day in Frankfurt, with ECB actions that will surely provide the base for a long awaited European recovery. I suspect we will all look back...
These surely are some of the most exciting markets in recent memory. Volatility is back in a big way, and it has brought with it some amazing opportunities. Interestingly, before September 2014, most clients and colleagues were constantly bemoaning the lack of...
There has not been a move in a major FX cross like this since the breakdown of Bretton Woods. The 1998 USDJPY collapse was a side show compared to what happened in USDCHF today. Something must have shocked the SNB in a big way to force an abandonment of this key...
December 21, 2009 was my last day as a visiting advisor at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC. I had spent most all of 2009 there, and I came away learning two very important lessons. First, I realized that the greatest risk takers in markets did not reside...
Janet's press conference yesterday was nothing short of spectacular! She delivered a hawkish message relative to market expectations, but managed to push spoos up over 2% and HYG up 2 points. Her ability to generate a DXY rally, a UST sell off and a risk asset rip...
Janet's press conference yesterday was nothing short of spectacular! She delivered a hawkish message relative to market expectations, but managed to push spoos up over 2% and HYG up 2 points. Her ability to generate a DXY rally, a UST sell off and a risk asset rip fest was truly a work of central banking […]