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The Sheep of Wall Street

Over 50 percent of the outstanding sovereign debt in northern Europe currently has a negative nominal yield. And this not just the case in Eurozone countries, Sweden is also part of the esteemed greater than 50% negative yield club. So, the burning question on your...

When you get the money, you get the power

The Syriza leadership circle spent last weekend in Athens celebrating victory. At the same time the far left of their party, and the rest of the world, couldn't help but notice a complete u-turn on ALL their election promises. Tsipras said on Monday - "We won the...

C’mon…have another Jell-O shot

It's getting late in Club USA! Many folks, like us, have stumbled out after a fantastic five year party with Ben and Janet. We are looking for the next big rave - and from a distance we can hear the DJ's in Tokyo and Frankfurt spinning some great tunes. Harry and...

A Neo-Libertarian Marxist Valentine’s Day Poem

Like many investors I have been brushing up on my Neo-Libertarian Marxist economics by watching lectures and reading essays authored the Bruce Willis of Greece - Yanis Varoufakis. I must say, I am not an expert in this branch of economics - but vilifying rent seekers,...

A Storm in an Ouzo Glass

Over the next few weeks Tsipras will confront EU leaders with a clear mandate from the Greek people. Although he was 2 seats short of a full majority, it looks as though ANEL will become his coalition partner and he will form a government shortly. Choosing the...