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Twitter, Operation Albania, and Greek Voting Patterns

When writing commentaries for our clients I have one driving principle - never waste anyone's time. We are all inundated with too much information, and time is our most precious asset. As such, I will sometimes write two or three notes in a week, and other times I...

Dead Communist Walking

The bell is tolling for Alexis. European leaders from all sides have abandoned him as he burns through every last bridge that was once in place. His only meeting of importance during this crucial week of negotiation is with Putin - which clearly does not inspire any...

A quick note on QE and long end yields

I have never been one to embrace value in risk free assets during QE periods. For well over 5 years I have written countless commentaries trying to steer people towards risk assets and away from the Icarian allure of front running central bank bond buying programs....

Embrace Draghitility – it’s a sign of EuroQE success

Should we really expect the ECB to concern itself with a 1% Bund yield? Absolutely NOT! But the market seems to have gotten itself in lather over Mario’s nonchalant response to questions related to the recent market volatility in European fixed income. His “get used...

The bell does not toll for the Dax

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: […] You are...