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Janet’s road to redemption

Overall Janet delivered a fantastic speech – She reiterated many times that QE has been a success. She clearly stated that most of the Committee, including her, expect to raise rates by the end of...

It works in practice not in theory

Back at the end of Ben's term as Chairman he sat down for a little fireside chat at the Brookings Institution. And during the discussion he was asked about his belief in the efficacy of QE. His response, which elicited a huge round of laughter, was "well, QE works in...

Why the FOMC should lift-off on Thursday

A parade of very bright academics, policy makers and market practitioners have warned the FOMC not to raise rates tomorrow. For example, our professorial friends Larry Summers and Ken Rogoff have argued quite vehemently that removing accommodation at this point risks...

A Thin Lizzy kind of morning

Here are the opening lines from that 1976 classic by Thin Lizzy "The Boys are Back in Town": Guess who just got back today Them wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven't changed that much to say But man, I still think them cats are crazy It's two days into the post...

The QE haters have it all wrong again

From 2010-2014 we at Jefferies argued quite strongly that the QE policies from the FOMC would work to reflate US risk asset markets, in particular US stocks. And to be sure, during that 5 year period we encountered our fair share of QE haters. Early on, the hater view...